Financing Experience


$ 8,000,000


DIP Loan and Stalking Horse

Bidder to


National Architectural and

Engineering Services Firm with 18 offices


Pre-petition purchase of senior loan and provided incremental credit as subsequent DIP lender in Chapter 11 in conjunction with serving as Stalking Horse Bidder


April 2022



$ 42,000,000


Out of Court Recap and Leveraged

Buy Out of


Crane rental service provider in

Southwest U.S. with 55 mobile



Sponsored out-of-court restructuring recapitalization, and asset purchase of crane rental business with ABL Leanders



December 2022



$ 7,000,000


Senior Secured Resource-backed

Bridge Loan and Production

Royalty Investment to


Appalachian Metallurgical Coal



Royalty Linked Convertible Bridge Loan to recap existing convertible preferred and complete last mile capex and opex as a prelude to RTO



October 2023



$ 20,000,000


Senior Secured Real Estate &

Cash Flow-backed Acquisition

Financing to


Ontario-based Consumer

Products & Food Processing



Royalty Linked Acquisition Bridge Loan to finance a three-way merger collateralized by contributed commercial property (Mercantile & Office)

